Kids & Youth


Next Generation - Kids Ministry

First Point is our ministry specifically for our youngest children.  The goal of this team is to point children from birth to preschool towards the amazing love of God.  Our team of volunteers does a great job week in and week out loving and serving these little lives.  For this age group we use an excellent curriculum from the Rethink Group called 'First Look' (more information on that here).

Please note that children are always welcome to attend the main gathering with their parents If you have an infant and need to step out during service we provide audio of the message in the lobby so you can still listen in. 

(All of our volunteers are required to go through a background check before working in the kids ministry.)


Student Ministry

Our student ministry is made up of a great group of teenagers that are learning how to love God and love people as they continually grow in their understanding of just how loved they are by God. This process takes place within a group of students that are learning how to live in community with one another. The ministry is led by leaders who not only talk about this, but live this out as an example for the students. While there are a events that take place throughout the year, the students meet up weekly on Sunday Evenings 5:00pm-7:00 pm. For more information you can contact Nick Shock at